Monday, June 29, 2009 – Day 60
A really laid back day for our last day in Whitehorse. We had an appointment for an oil change this afternoon at Klondike Motors, a GM dealership a few miles toward Whitehorse from the Hi Country RV Park and Campground. I waited for the truck to be finished with the hopes that I could catch the Yukon Brewing Company’s, 2:00 PM plant tour and testing. I arrived approx. 15 minutes late to a parking lot that was overflowing. When I found a parking spot and finally got into the building the sales room was packed. Seems that these Yukoners are a thirsty bunch as they were all crowded around the tasting table throwing back the amber offerings. I found one of the few remaining sampler packs and after paying was off to get some liquid elixir for the truck. I arrived back at the trailer to find that Janet had made some fresh banana raisin muffins for the final days of our journey.
While we were having our dinner a couple came into the “back-in” spot next to us. The woman was out guiding the guy who had the trailer manoeuvred around a couple of cars and expertly parked, despite all of her hand signals. When we were talking them later we found out that Bill and Carol were from Battleford, SK, and Bill had learned his parking skills on the family farm where he used to park farm carts. Carol actually, gave good signals, only problem was she was behind the trailer and Bill couldn’t see them! Bill is a history buff and gave us detailed notes on what to see and do when we pass through Battleford on our way back home. They were on a tour of the Yukon and eastern Alaska. We were gas bagging and comparing travel notes until late but had to cut things short as we wanted to get an early start (for a change) on Tuesday morning. We left them with the promise that we would try to be quiet when we hitched up and left. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen.
I think that I have disparaged the DSP hitch in a previous post, so I will not do that again; even though it is only useful as a boat anchor. I had to give it a couple whacks with the mallet to get it to lock into place, but other than that we didn’t make too much noise.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 – Day 61
After we were hitched up we pulled out of the campground a little after 08:30 AM, headed for Watson Lake, YT. Although we had travelled this way when we came through in May…it looked totally different. Ice has disappeared from the lakes, the poplars and willows are now in full leaf and the wildflowers are blosoming along the roadsides. The scenery is just as breathtaking as when we first came up here. We parked once again in the Downtown RV Park basically because it’s the only game in town. Should I disparage their pitiful excuse for a Wi-Fi signal, again?? I’ll let that be. They have a caravan of motor homes in the park and all the old farts were gathered around the laundry area trying to catch a decent signal. I will go up there later and post this blog and check my mail when all the old people have gone to bed. Then I will join them!
We stayed in Watson Lake to catch the show at the Northern Lights Centre. They feature a great surround video of the northern lights and the astronaut program. They also have a featured exhibit of all the Canadian astronauts. I didn’t know this till today but apparently each astronaut has their own personal, symbolic “patch” that they make up, in addition to the mission patch that the crew wears. The patch is made up of things that are important to that astronaut. All in all it was very well done.
I almost forgot to mention – Hi Country RV Park and Campground is one of the nicest privately owned parks that we stayed in. They have tried to maintain a nice woodland setting while giving travellers excellent services at a fair price. Their Wi-Fi signal is excellent everywhere in the park. Klondike Motors is a great place to have your oil changed while you are travelling through Whitehorse. They seem to cater to travellers who are passing through Whitehorse. Labour rate for lube, oil and filter and 14 point check $14.99, a really good price. AND, they gave me the remaining oil in the original container – that has never happened in Winnipeg.
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