Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Mix of Rain, Snow, Cloud, Sunshine and Wildlife

Monday, May 11, 2009 – Day 11

We left Prince Rupert about 09:30 this morning having found out that the Museum of Northern BC was still running on its winter hours meaning that it was closed Sundays and Mondays.   When we departed Prince Rupert there was a steady drizzle.  This rain continued along our route, all along Hwy 16 to the junction of Hwy 37, where we turned north.  It didn’t let up till we arrived at Meziadin Junction.  We continued north under cloudy skies until we got into the mountains.  I suppose no one has told them that it is now spring and time for nicer weather.  The snow has just receded away from the shoulders of the road and there is still heavy ice cover on many of the lakes.  We started to get a little sunshine around the tiny hamlet of Bell II, (I never did see Bell I?!)

We saw a couple of bears today and they were cooperative enough for us to get a few shots of them.  We also saw a moose very briefly, but not long enough for us to fire up the camera and shoot it.  It must have been close to 7 feet tall at the shoulder.  We were again foiled in our attempts to shoot a wolf that seemed to wander aimlessly onto the highway.  Finally there were a number of caribou along the road seemingly licking the winter road salt from the side of the road.  We finally ended our day after 313 Miles of driving at approx. 08:00 PM after being hounded by my navigator to find an open campground.  Just before we pulled into the Dease Lake campground we had some snow flurries.  The campground owner sa;ys that it will likely go below freezing tonight.  Tomorrow we should reach the Yukon Territory and the Alaska Highway. 

We will not post any pictures tonight.  Too tired.  Will have to wait until our next Wi-Fi location.

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